Sanitizer 2 in 1 – hands and masks


Igienizzante per Mani e Mascherine, pronto all’uso ad alta concentrazione alcolica (75%) con quaternari di ammonio. Istantaneo e di rapida evaporazione (non lascia residui ne aloni). Efficace su una vasta gamma di microrganismi nocivi. Idoneo per la sanitizzazione delle Mani e decontaminazione delle Mascherine, in particolar modo dove non è disponibile o pratico l’utilizzo di acqua (senza risciacquo). Impiegato principalmente nei programmi di pulizia e SANIFICAZIONE ambientale come misura preventiva contro la diffusione e contenimento del virus “Covid 19”.

14,2559,40 IVA incl.


Purify and Sanitize: Hands, masks, gloves (also disposable) clothing, shoes, backpacks, upholstery and all contact surfaces (including everyday objects).

Creato con una formula sicura e delicata, Purifica e Sanifica mani, mascherine, e tutte le superfici di contatto senza danneggiare o macchiare i materiali.

Its high-quality formulation makes the product safe and at the same time gentle on the skin . Does not damage treated materials (does not contain chlorine), does not stain and does not leave halos or chemical residues. Eliminates odors.


Hygiene standards must be guaranteed everywhere, particularly in the hotel, food, catering and any other environment where foodstuffs are handled.

According to D.L. 155/97 on self-control (H.A.C.C.P.)


For hands: Spray on each hand, rub well on both hands and wait 30 seconds (no need to rinse). Repeat and wait another 30 seconds for complete evaporation and decontamination.

For Masks: Spray abundantly on both sides (including elastic bands) from a distance of 20-25 cm and allow to dry for complete decontamination before wearing again.

On contact surfaces/objects (also in contact with food): Spray and rub with disposable paper until completely dry. No need to rinse. Do not use on materials compatible with alcohol

The product is formulated in compliance with Italian and European guidelines and regulations for strengthening hygiene practices as a preventive measure against the spread and containment of the virus “Covid-19” in the workplace of 14/03/2020 – Sez- 4 CLEANING AND SANITIZATION IN THE COMPANY – because, being a hydroalcoholic based product (75%), it complies with the provisions of circular 5443 of 22 February 2020 of the Ministry of Health – Cleaning of non-sanitary environments

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